Lamborghini Super Trofeo Europe: Position 8 for Carrie Schreiner after a changeable weekend

32 of the 620 hp strong Huracan GT took part in the 2nd round of the Lamborghini Super Trofeo Europe in the “British Home of Motorsport“ on the Formula 1 circuit in Silverstone. For Carrie Schreiner it was her first performance on the home continent in this year. With Konrad Motorsport and team mate Lucas Mauron who she knows from her time in Kart and Formula 4, she started on the very difficult high-speed track.


During the complete weekend the weather in England was very changeable. Each session had dry and wet periods. Furthermore, there were a lot of yellow and red phases which caused continuous interruptions. In the free practice sessions therefore Carrie could hardly drive and wasn’t able to adjust to the track properly. Due to a communication failure, some other teams had almost 2 hours more driving time in the free practice sessions!
Nevertheless, at the beginning of the qualifying it was running quite well for the 18-year old girl from the Saarland/Germany. After half of the time she was among the top-10, but then she had to drive in heavy traffic. When the way was free again in the last two rounds, it started to rain again and therefore it was not possible anymore to improve her lap time. Thus, she had to accept position 16.
In race 1 Lucas Mauron started from P10 and the Swiss presented a strong race. Being on P7 he handed the car over to his team partner. Unfortunately, her safety belt got lose in the Outlap already and thus Carrie wasn’t secured properly anymore! Despite this handicap, the fast race girl kept the 7th position nearly up to the end and then had to give up one position. But position 8 among 32 cars was an outstanding result among those circumstances.
In race 2 there were complications again Carrie had a good start and was on the way to get among the top-10. Then a competitor spin around and she had to drive onto the wet grass to avoid an accident. There she couldn’t stop and finally had to spin too. Afterwards, first she and then after the driver change Lucas Maron overtook nearly half of the field until the end of the race and reached position 16.
Thus Carrie had mixed feelings: “Last weekend a lot of things went wrong, but nevertheless we had a good result in the first race. The next two European tracks, Spa and the Nürburgring, Lucas and I know very well from our times in Formula 4. There we want to be really competitive!“
As for Carrie, the old Sepp Herberger wisdom applies “after the race is before the race”. On Tuesday, she will fly with the FFF Lamborghini Squadra Corse Team to Bangkok to the second race of the Super Trofeo Asia in the Thai Buriram.