Twice the second place and the Vice Championship for Carrie Schreiner

When the 18-year old Carrie Schreiner arrived in Dubai on Tuesday evening, she had never dreamed of being Vice Champion at her first Championship in GT sports cars when leaving the metropolis of the Middle East.

While her competitors started their first training sessions on Wednesday, Carrie was in bed of her hotel room with a heavy cold and tried to get well again.
On Thursday, she could at least take part in the two free practice sessions to get familiar with the new race circuit of the Grand Prix course in Dubai where the famous 24-hour-race takes place every year.

On Friday morning at the qualifying, the girl from the Saarland could improve round by round, but the training deficit on the partly new race track was too high and she had to accept being on position 11 in her group.

From this position, Carrie did the start turn in the first race where she was very ambitious and determined, overtook four opponents before she came to the pit stop and handed the car over to her teammate Spike Goddard being on P7. In the last third of the race, the happenings escalated, there were collisions and time penalties so that the 24-year old Australian could sensationally reach the second place.

The second race then was quite unspectacular for both. Goddard started from P2 and could keep this position until the pit stop.
Carrie took over the car and drove constantly fast lap times and was one of the fastest pilots in the whole field. Thus, she clearly reached the second place again.

After the race, there was a great atmosphere in the whole FFF Lamborghini Squadra Corse team. Team owner Sean Fu Songyang: “It’s just a huge success to win the Vice Championship in the overall classification with a GT rookie on board. Congratulations to Carrie and Spike for the outstanding performance!”

Also, Carrie could hardly believe her good luck: “On Wednesday, I didn’t know whether I could drive at all. And now such a result! 5 podiums out of 6 races and even the vice champion title. Spike drove like a clockwork. In Abu Dhabi, he had to drag me along a bit, but afterwards I was a strong partner for him.
Especially this weekend I drove two good races. I was fast, constant and duel strong. Finally, we were the second-best driver mating in the field after the professionals Jeffries/Breukers. Thanks to my team mate, the FFF Racing Team and Lamborghini for the outstanding support. I continue to grow together with my 620 hp race car and with this success I very confidently drive to the Asian race in Sepang in 4 weeks’ time. At that Championship, there will surely be even considerably stronger drivers. “