ADAC GT Masters: For the first time Carrie Schreiner scored points

Carrie Schreiner experienced a turbulent weekend at the second ADAC GT Masters race in the Czech Most. Her team-mate Dennis Marschall put the Audi R8 LMS GT3 of HCB Rutronik Racing on a good 15th starting position for race 1. Unfortunately, he was involved in an accident at the start before the first corner and the car of the two juniors was so badly damaged that it wasn’t possible to continue the race. Thus, Carrie couldn’t drive the Saturday race at all. To top it all off, a "grid penalty" for the second race on Sunday had been decided by the race director and the 20-year-old woman from the Saarland had to start from the 31st and last position.
In a very eventful race with many collisions and duels, a Safety Car phase and even a brief race interruption, Carrie and Dennis made 16 positions up and scored points when finishing on position 15.
Thus the only female pilot in the field was, of course, very happy with the result of the second race. "After the crash in the first race and the last starting position for the second heat, no one had expected that result. In my stint, I was able to keep up with the middle field and after the driver change Dennis had a strong pace. We made no mistakes and used every opportunity to overtake. It's great having already scored points on my second GT Masters weekend in one of the currently strongest motorsport series worldwide. My race pace is already very good; however, I still have to work on qualifyings with new tires. In nearly two weeks’ time, I’ll take part in the next Masters race at the Red Bull Ring in Austria. Last year I won the race in the Porsche Super Sportscup there, so the racetrack should be the right one for me! "said Carrie Schreiner confidently in her résumé.